

The Akshara program aims to empower the children from rural India with quality education so that they can get rid of the clutches of poverty and lead a productive and dignified life. The program is designed to ensure that the under-resourced schools are updated with 21st-century technology. This would lead students to access high-quality education opportunities and gain critical life skills to prepare them for success.

The migration number stands at approximately 139 million. Children from these families are pulled out of class in the middle of the school year when migration season begins. When they return home months later, they are drastically behind grade level and must repeat the same grade. This educational gap continues to grow wider as the child struggles to learn. Besides migration, other factors such as distance, cost, access, socio-economic constraints and cultural barriers lead to many students dropout of school or discontinue their education.

Our Approach

The program is designed to encourage students and families to stay at school with access to quality education through smart classes and library programmes.

The public school system’s lack of digital infrastructure is met with providing projectors and laptops as teaching tools for teachers to impart lessons thus firing up the imagination of students and improving attendance ratio.

Besides, school endeavors are widespread in the community where library cum computer training centers are opened in villages to empower youth digitally. The model also works with eminent educators from around the country who provide mentorship to students and guide them towards higher education and a better future.

The program will further help students learn new Indian languages from other states and Foreign languages with help from linguistic masters to broaden their horizons and appreciate the language landscape, which makes India unique.


3rd Annual Chitra Smarak Puraskar

Fathers of three employed students from our rural libraries were honored by the Shaan Foundation in the 154th Annual Dhanush Yagya and Ram Leela of the region in front of thousands of people. The aim is to spread awareness about education in the area. 


Prizes given in Itauli Library to top performers in Quiz

Become a part of our mission to bridge the knowledge gap between urban-rural India!

Your small contributions go a long way in ensuring that school children in several rural areas across the country have access to high quality education resources. At Shaan Foundation we are committed to creating a knowledge ecosystem in rural India through public libraries.

Request A Service

Interested teachers/youth who want to volunteer or donate old laptops/ projectors/ books
